Codman Farm Fair Help Needed

Troop 127 has been asked by Codman Farm to help out at their Harvest Fair next Saturday, 9/24.

This is one of the things we do every year to repay them for the use of their barn during our Christmas tree sale, for snow-plowing the tree lot, loaning us tools, and letting us store our float on their property.

We also do it to support our town-owned farm, and for scouts to earn community-service hours toward their advancement.

The Fair will run from 1:00 to 4:00, and the farmers will need two or three scouts on hand from 12:30 to 4:30. This does not mean the same scouts need to work that full four hours. In the past, some scouts did, and others split the time into two 2-hr chunks, with fresh scouts relieving the first shift.

It’s your call, and I’ll leave it to the Patrol Leaders to help scouts organize their shifts. However, since I would like to assure Codman Farm ASAP, that we will supply scouts for the hours indicated, I’m asking you to respond quickly to this appeal.

