Garlic Mustard Pull Rep Required

Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is one of the more aggressive and noxious Invasive Species usurping native flora in Lincoln.  Not content to play fair in the battle for water, real-estate and sun, Garlic Mustard exudes chemicals that suppress the growth of our native plants.  This chemical warfare has enabled it to rapidly expand over the meadows, roadsides and even forest floors of our fair town.  There is no hope at present of eradicating this pest, but its progress has been checked by Lincoln’s annual Garlic Mustard Pull, in which the Boy Scouts play a large part.  The Garlic Mustard Pull takes place around the first weekend in May, when its flowers have appeared but not yet formed seeds.  Signed on June 17, 1925, the Geneva Protocol, banning the use of chemical weapons, has been flagrantly ignored by Alliaria petiolata.  Now, only Troop 127 stands between our beloved hills and this marauding weed.  Let’s go out there and win!

An adult leader is needed for the 2012 effort.  If desired, a splendid martial uniform will be provided by the troop.  This is an easy and finite commitment: two short meetings and one morning outing in May.  Please see Walter for details.