Columbus Discovers Cape

Troop 127 disembarks at Lews and Clark campsite, Camp Greenough Scout Reservation, midday Oct 8.  Tents are pitched, patrol sites established, meals cooked and eaten, utensils cleaned.  Advancement activities related to meals and knot-tying signed off. Weather splendid.

Day two: meal-prep and 18 mile bicycle and “long-board” excursion, highlighted by romp at Coast Guard Beach.  Scouts without mounts hike 4 mile RT between parking area and beach.  Weather ideal, except for passing cloud of ill-tempered, foul-mouthed woman on bike trail.  James suggest she mind her language in the presence of young children.

Monday concludes our Columbus Wknd outing with a liesurely breakfast and lunch, closing ceremony, load-out, drive-home, and toting gear into the attic.  Fair weather persists.

The other 50,000 words describing our adventure are condensed into 50 photos shown in the three galleries for this post (Click on Activities/Galleries).