Bridge Crossing Ceremony

Four brave webelos narrowly avoided making a “giant leap for mankind” by using a bridge constructed by the scouts to aid them across the transition to scouts. The bridging ceremony was held on the 16 May 2012 for Jack, Jacob, Kian and Kent.  The bridge has a ceremony attached which describes the scout law:

  • Trustworthy,
  • Loyal,
  • Helpful,
  • Friendly,
  • Courteous,
  • Kind,
  • Obedient,
  • Cheerful,
  • Thrifty,
  • Brave,
  • Clean,
  • and Reverent

Each scout who added one of the 12 steps to the bridge carefully explained the significance of that part of the scout Law.

After the ceremony a few burgers and hot dogs were excellently grilled by Peter.

Thanks to everyone who help make this evening a success.

View the photos here.