Service Opportunities

We have been offered a splendid Community Service opportunity by the Town of Lincoln.

As you know, renovation of the Town Offices will commence soon, necessitating the transfer of many cartons from the Town Offices to the Hartwell Bldg. Scouts working in teams of two or more are invited to help with this move, weekdays, after school til 5:00, from mid-September to November. The total hours available are between 10 and 20, and may be applied to the advancement requirement of whatever rank a scout is striving for.

Please send me the days you are positively available to do this, without delay.

Regretfully, this applies only to scouts large enough to heft 20-30 lb boxes for an hour and a half.*

Additional service hours may be earned by a scout willing and able to organize and maintain the schedule of our workers; I can do this, but don’t need the service hours.

*There will be other service opportunities this fall for younger scouts, including the upcoming Harvest Fair at Codman Farm, September 23-25. See <