Spring Skiing on Wildcat Mountain
Sixteen intrepid scouts along with six somewhat more cautious adults spent the St. Patrick’s day weekend in Gorham NH, specifically Pinkham Notch, the sylvan surroundings of Wildcat Mountain and the bucolic Joe Dodge Lodge (JDL). After arriving in Gorham, we were treated to a splendid repast of pasta and various fixin’s where we all ate …
Awards, Cones, Pizza & Cake
Scouts ate, were awarded, and prepped pine-cones for the wreaths they will sell.
A large gathering of scouts and scouters attended Troop 127’s annual pine-cone twisting festival at the scout house Wednesday evening. Scores of strobili were wired into triads for wreath decorating. The workers dined on pizza and cake, then turned to the front of the room to honor scouts as they stepped up to receive their …